MARCH 27th, 2024
Review By: Metal Mom Rita
Photos By: Char Tupper

Well with all the accidents on the road, finding parking, Char and I made it. Although we heard lots of sirens, and thought, oh I hope that isn't the Rickshaw, walked around the corner, and it was the Rickshaw. Seems one of the bands had way too much fog and set off the alarms. Glad though it wasn't something more serious. Sadly though, with Char working and dealing with traffic doors being earlier, meant being late and missing the Scalding, and Abigail Williams.

So for me, UADA from Oregon, USA, was first. The crowd sure enjoyed them, I was at the back, and the sound was terrific, but so much fog, almost like shadows up there, and with hoods covering, just made it strange to not visually see faces or expressions, but if that is what they want and the fans liked it, that is what matters.   They did a great job.

ROTTING CHRIST from Greece, hit the stage to a crazy amount of cheers and horns.  I have enjoyed these guys ever since I first saw them in Vancouver several years ago, and I was not disappointed tonight either. I am not sure how long they played, but it sure didn't seem long. Before you knew it, it was over. The song selection was a great choice from old to new, spanning over their career. You could tell that Rotting Christ are still at the top of their game with high energy and enthusiasm , giving their fans 150%.  They had my attention, and I had horns high and clapping, I never got tired. You know, it has been a long time since I last saw them play live, easily a year or two before the pandemic, and I sadly forgot just how good they are, but tonight they brought it all back to me. I doubt Rotting Christ could ever disappoint a crowd. So let me say, if they are coming to your town, don't sit back, get out there and enjoy a truly phenomenal show.

Remainder of dates:
March 29 - Calgary, AB @ Dickens
March 30 - Edmonton, AB @ Starlite Room
March 31 - Regina, SK @ The Exchange
April 1 - Winnipeg, MB @ Park Theater