APRIL 27th 2023

Metaltitans own, Metal Mom had the opportunity to chat with Vince Niclon, the bass player for Thrash Metal band, Scarlet Anger out of the small European country, Luxembourg. Check out the interview below, to learn more about Scarlet Anger.

MT - The band came together in 2007, why then ?

Joe (vocalist) and Fred (guitar) were before in a typical 90’s, 00’s(hard) rock band but wanted always to go back to their roots of harder stuff, especially thrash metal.

MT - How did you come up with your name ?

The band was founded by Fred and Joe and they were looking for a name that pretend to be angry and didn’t exist before. After more than 15’s years, we still think it’s a cool name for a metal band ;).

MT - Who influenced you when you were young to become a musician ?

As a kid there were different people you influenced me, from musicians to wrestlers to actors. But at the of the day I was stuck with music and there was Steve Harris from Maiden my biggest influence.

MT - Is thrash your favourite style and is that why you chose to create this style of music ?

I like nearly all kind of old school metal, from Power Metal to Death Metal. But of course thrash metal could be mentioned as my favourite style.

MT - Who creates your lyrics, and where does the inspiration come from ?

Fred, our guitar player writes most of the songs. He is also our main producer. Our last output Freak Show was a bit of a conceptual album with stories from old horror movies. Horror and B-Movies are big influences for him. We'll see where our new album Martyr takes us lyrically.

MT -Tell us how each member came to be in the band:

Joe Block (vocals) – founder
Jeff Buchette (guitars) – After the departure of Guy, Jeff joined the band. He was well known in the metal scene in Luxembourg
Fred Moitor (guitars) - founder
Vincent Niclou (bass) – Pal from Joe and Fred. I’m there from the beginning.
Rod Solvilla (drums) – Rod is the drummer from Jeff’s Maiden tribute Band Edhunters

MT - What social media outlet do you think helps to promote your band the best ?

I know, we should say nowadays Tiktok or Instagram, but we (still) use Facebook as our main social media platform. Beside Facebook we also use Twitter and in the nearer future Instagram. If Youtube is social media too, I would say it’s the best to present the music.

MT - There was a long time between 2016 Freak Show and your new one this year Martyr, why so long ?

We all have our day jobs and some of us got kiddies and don’t forget that there was the pandemic. But as Fred is very exact in his songwriting and sounds, this also takes a lot of time.  

MT - Tell us how you came to name your new album Martyr ?

In the beginning, some us wanted to give the album a German name even that our lyrics are in English. At the end of day the Martyr was a cool alternative.

MT - Was it an easy process from start to finish ? How long did it take ?

We are still no finished. Martyr is expected to be released later this year.

MT - How did you create the album cover ?

Normally that’s also Fred who does the cover. He did all of our covers before (check the booklet from Freak Show – every song has its own cover). For Martyr we’ll see if Fred gets the time to do it again.

MT - Do you personally have a favourite on the album, I know when I listen to music, I always have a favourite but still listen to the whole album.

Favourites can change during the time. Also it makes a big difference which song I prefer to play or to listen to. At the moment there are no favs as the album isn’t finished yet.

MT - What do you hope the fans will get out of this album ?

Having fun ;). Music should trigger emotions. At best people will connect positive memories with our music.

MT - Is there anything you regret during the music career ?

No, not really. Maybe we could shorten the releases between our outputs, but most important is that every member of the band is satisfied with a new album.

MT - What is the best part of being in Scarlet Anger ?

Living a bit the dream of a rock star and leaving the day job behind for at least the evenings of our shows.

MT - Will you tour to promote the album ?

As mentioned before, we all have day jobs. Therefore, a real tour is always very difficult for us and we play mostly on weekends.

MT - I have to ask, what do you think of venues taking 25 % of merch sales, bands are getting fed up with it. Don't blame them.

I’ve read about this issue. Personally, we weren’t in that situation before. We would decide the moment itself if we would accept it or not. However, at festivals it’s often normal that the festival takes a commission of merch sales. There, I don’t have a problem because they also provide the staff for sales.

MT - What band do you enjoy listening to the most ?  

Favourites can change, especially regarding to your personal mood. My favourite band as a kid was Maiden, so if I have to pick one, it should be Maiden.

MT - Do you have a band you listen to that no one would expect ?

I like Riverside. A polish Prog Rock Band. They opened years ago for Dream Theater, even that they are not really a metal band.

MT - What was the last concert you went to ?

Yesterday ;). Overkill, Exhorder, Heathen and Keops in Saarbrucken, Germany. A hell of bands!!

MT - Is there anything you would like to add that I might have missed asking ?

Everything is fine. Hope you enjoy our music.

We thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview with us, and we also wish you much success with Martyr.

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